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5 Travel Trends Going the Way of the Dodo: What to Ditch this Year

These trends are becoming less and less popular!

The travel landscape is constantly evolving; new travel trends are born every year, and the old favorites are simply fading away. Right now, 68% of global travelers prioritize unique and immersive experiences over generic sightseeing. Also, 25% of people are actively looking for eco-friendly accommodation options.

These are things nobody was talking about a few years ago, and at this point, they are the most popular travel trends out there. The culture is changing, and when you want to have the best experience possible, you should try to keep up with that.

Feeling intrigued by this shift in priorities? Keep reading and discover all you need to know about the new and exciting alternatives that are waiting for you.

travel trends
Photo by Pamela Lico from Shutterstock

1. Itineraries? No way!

If you have been traveling in the past decades and read articles about traveling, then you surely remember those jam-packed itineraries that included every possible landmark in one single trip, right?

This year, traveling addicts decided it was time to ditch this and embrace a more relaxed approach. The “go-go-go” mentality is no longer a priority, and now people are focusing more on relaxation and creating a mindful experience that lets them savor the moment.

But why is this happening? The current travel trends are all about connecting with the destination you are visiting. People want to immerse themselves in the local culture and no longer want to rush from one attraction to the next.

Also, traveling should be a fun experience, a time to relax and unwind. Travel fatigue is a real thing, and you should focus more on enjoyment. Keep in mind that a well-rested traveler is a happier traveler!

2. Nobody is afraid of the weather anymore

For years, if you asked someone what the perfect vacation was, they would have described it to you as those sunny beaches with crystal-clear water. Oh well, this is no longer one of the travel trends, and people are finally approaching it more openly and are ready to venture beyond the traditional ways.

Tourists are yearning for unique experiences, and they feel ready to learn how to appreciate the beauty of any climate. They are more adventurous, and actually, 30% of travelers are looking to find the best winter wonderlands compared to the statistics from the last few years. This is a huge shift that is telling us a lot about the current status of travel trends.

One unexpected factor that has influenced this decision is the heightened awareness of responsible tourism. People are becoming aware of the toll overcrowded destinations have on the environment, and because of this, they try to explore areas that are less popular.

Now, we don’t say you can’t enjoy a cocktail on a sunny beach anymore; this is not something that will completely disappear. We just say that tourists are more open to exploring new, uncommon destinations.

3. Huge bucket lists

A few years ago, the world of travel trends was dominated by bucket lists. Every day had one, and all of them were struggling to complete it as soon as possible. From travel bloggers and vloggers to casual travelers, people were crazy about those bucket lists.

Today, travel trends are about smaller and more manageable trips, and they are focused on quality rather than quantity. As we already said, people want a deeper connection with the place they are visiting, and this approach can also be more affordable and flexible compared to a vacation that lasts weeks and, in some cases, months!

Tourists are sick of the “monumental marathons,” as they have noticed that this only causes travel fatigue and gives you a superficial experience. Imagine going to visit the Great Wall of China for a week. You will have time to explore this historical landmark; you can rest, and you can also visit the nearby villages. How cool is that?

Remember that the joy of travel lies in the journey itself, not on a bucket list from which you are cutting off landmark after landmark.

4. Traveling all by yourself

Get ready, because the new era of group gateways is about to begin! Solo travel was one of the biggest travel trends, and everybody was promoting it as one of the best ways to discover yourself, but those times are gone now, and people want to start traveling in groups again.

Now, we are not talking about large tour groups; we just noticed that people want to travel with their families and their friends. They want to bond with relatives, or they just want to spend more time with like-minded individuals who share their passions, be it adventure travel, culinary exploration, or any other thing they enjoy.

Just imagine going on a hike with a small group of fellow nature enthusiasts just like you. Sharing this experience can be one of those opportunities to create core memories that will be with you for life.

Also, generational travel is now one of the hottest travel trends out there. That is why more and more Americans want to book vacations where grandparents and grandkids alike can enjoy themselves and have a great time. People want to create memories with their families and bond with one another.

travel trends
Photo by Ground Picture from Shutterstock

5. Feeling bad about staying in the hotel one day

One of the most common travel trends was this pressure to constantly be “on the go.” After all, you are there to see and do as much as you can in the little time that you have, right? But we know that deep inside, everyone was dreaming of a day or two spent lounging by the pool or simply in bed.

Hopefully, FOMO (fear of missing out) is no longer trendy and people learn about how important relaxation is. The pampered moments within the hotel room are no longer considered a waste of time, and tourists are embracing them as an integral part of the trip.

Self-care is important, and a great vacation is one that makes you feel better afterward, not more tired than you were when you left. One day you go sightseeing, add all of that, and the day after you spend it at the spa or in bed. This is the new trend.

This holistic approach is all about self-care, and we truly appreciate it. This time you take to relax is not the enemy of adventure, and people should understand this. Embrace this time of relaxation, guilt-free, and change how vacations are perceived by the majority!

The new travel trends focus on meaningful experiences, authenticity, and sustainability. These are the leading actors, and we believe that this is a change for the better. So, take your time and enjoy the places you are visiting. Immerse yourself in the culture or take time to discover more about yourself. Ditch the FOMO and let yourself have a nice downtime. It is all about the journey, not the destination; this is where the magic lies.

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You should also read: 6 Incredible Challenging Destinations for American Travelers

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