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5 Ways to Avoid Hidden Airport Fees

Do you know about these hidden airport fees?

If you are a travel enthusiast, you are probably flying pretty often, but did you know that the average airline fee per passenger in North America reached a record high of $168.02 in 2022?

All of those extra fees can put a damper on your travel dreams, but hopefully, there are some hacks that can help you avoid all of that. Say goodbye to these unexpected expenses and have the vacation of your dreams.

No matter whether you are on your first trip or your 100th, these tips will help you avoid these financial “surprises” and save your money for better things. You will never feel the anxiety of hidden airport fees again!

hidden airport fees
Image By Natee Meepian From Shutterstock

1. Try a frequent flyer program

As we said, hidden airport fees are one of the most unwelcome surprises when you are getting ready to go on a vacation. Nobody wants to have to deal with this, and we are here to tell you how you can avoid it.

One good strategy that might be effective is to become part of a frequent flyer program. But what is this, right? Enrolling in a program like this will offer you various perks, and this can save you some money.

For example, as you accumulate miles, you will be able to unlock priority boarding, free upgrades to first class, or complimentary checked bags. What we want to say is that all of these perks can save you a lot of money, and if you are traveling by plane often, enrolling in a frequent flyer program is the best strategy to avoid airport fees.

Also, as a member, you will be one of the first to learn about the latest deals and discounts, and you can use this to your advantage. This is a powerful tool to have in your travel arsenal.

However, frequent flyer programs can take time to gain enough benefits to offset fees, so consider this strategy alongside the others on this list for a more effective approach to avoiding hidden airport costs.

2. Knowing the structure is key

When you want to avoid airport fees, you need to be informed about the baggage fee structure. All airlines have specific rules, and you are here reading this because you want to avoid unexpected surprises.

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) conducted a study in 2023 and found out that the most popular 100 airlines in the world have an average fee of $75 for the first bag and $100 for the second one. This is a lot of money, and keep in mind that this is an average, so it can vary significantly from airline to airline.

But one thing is true, and that is that planning makes perfect. Before any trip, you need to study the prices and see the luggage politics. There are many ticks that might not make sense at first glance, but in reality, they are the best method to avoid airport fees.

Also, being aware of these politics can help you compare the companies and choose the one that fits you the most. Check the websites, check the forums, and see what other travelers are saying. This is the best strategy.

3. Book directly from the airline

Generally, when you want to purchase your airplane tickets from the websites of the airlines, you will notice that they are more transparent and you can easily see all of the fees. This means you are less likely to encounter and pay extra for hidden airport fees. In this way, you can be sure you are about to make the most informed decision.

This is possible because buying through the airline company will help you avoid any third-party markups, and you can know for sure that the listed price is the real price. You will communicate directly with the airline, and you can easily eliminate potential confusion. It will also be easier to ask questions about your luggage and the costs.

Even more, as most companies also have mobile apps, be sure that the whole process will be a lot more flexible. This means easier check-ins and booking directly through the app. Also, you will most likely be able to pay the fees through the app.

While booking directly might require a bit more research on different airline websites, the potential to find bundled deals can significantly reduce the risk of surprise airport fees. So, this one might be an incredibly effective strategy.

hidden airport fees
Image By TippaPatt From Shutterstock

4. Don’t forget about the free airport services

Hidden expenses are an integral part of the whole airport experience. Overpriced food, checked baggage fees, and sometimes even charges for using the Wi-Fi—all of these can damage your budget, and we know that you want to do your best and avoid all of that.

The good part is that you can avoid these airport fees by taking advantage of what these places offer you for free. Most of the time, these advantages are not advertised, but we are here and we are about to tell you more about them.

Ready to make your journey smoother and minimize your spending?

Stop spending money on water and check that the airport you are at has water bottle refill stations. Most of the time, these stations are strategically placed, and you will be able to easily save some money and also do an eco-friendly action.

Most of the time, you will get free Wi-Fi, but there might be a catch: it is limited, and you will not be able to use it without purchasing expensive packages. So before watching videos online, try to find out if you have unlimited Wi-Fi access.

Never spend money on airport lounges because you can usually find comfortable seating areas around them that are completely free. These are some of the airport fees that can trick many people into paying, especially those who have extensive layovers.

5. Look out for baggage restrictions

Since you are here, you probably know that airlines have baggage restrictions. This means that if you are prone to overpacking, you might become the victim of these airport fees.

What you can do is always check the weight and size limitations for both checked and carry-on luggage beforehand. We are sure you don’t want to pay hundreds of dollars per bag.

Before you start packing, look for these weight restrictions and try to respect the limits. Check the airline websites and the travel booking platforms. We know that this advice might sound like the most obvious one on this list, but there are still many people who fall into this trap.

Now that you are armed with knowledge, you can take your next flight with more confidence, and you will never be tricked by the hidden airport fees! You will have the chance to use your travel budget on the things that really matter and create beautiful memories. So, pack your bags, do your research, and get ready for a smooth and stress-free travel experience!

A good idea when you don’t want to deal with hidden airport fees is to weigh your suitcases. For this, you will need a suitcase scale: travel inspira Luggage Scale, Portable Digital Hanging Baggage Scale for Travel

You should also read: 4 Common Mistakes Tourists Make in Texas

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